I just realized that the most frequently asked question of them all has been of the "so where are you going to be....and when?" nature. I will, from time to time, post a new itinerary. This is the first, as of today, April 22, 2015 at 2:34 PM.
April 12: Fly BOS>SFO.
Arrive at 11:30 AM Pacific time. Take the BART to downtown, lunch with Kimee, wandering time around the city, meet Aisling for yoga around 6 at Grace Cathedral. Stay with Kimee.
April 13: After a relaxed morning, take public transit from SFO>Chico, CA, by way of every Northern Californian city and pit-stop imaginable. Arrive at 6:15 PM in Chico. Erupt into giggles and hugs and coffee drinking immediately upon sight of Clara.
April 13 - April 23 (tentative departure date): Chico, CA. Stay with dear Clara and go to see all of the things!
April 23 - May 5: Some combination of Jackson Hole, and Colorado (Salida, Leadville, Denver in that order). Exact dates still to be determined (in the next 12 hours, actually). Rental cars are a bust, so the new idea is to fly to Salt Lake City (supa cheap from Northern Cali) and snag the $60 shuttle to Aunt Alice in Alpine. The Utah river trip fell through because of weather and they're still doing something 4 hours east of Jackson Hole in a town called Thermopolis, but my prerogative at this point is just to make it to Jackson sometime this weekend an figure everything else out when I get there.
May 1-3: Confirmed that I'll be in Salida, CO with my uncle and aunt
May 3-5: I'll be in Denver, CO with friend-of-friend Sara (thanks for putting us in touch, Anya!)
May 5: Fly DEN>SFO (tentative)
May 5 - May 12: Hangout in San Francisco, have definite plans in the city May 5 and May 7, could take a weekend trip somewhere nearby. Looking to do some sailing if anyone has sailing connections in the Bay area. I definitely want to ride a bike across the Golden Gate bridge, see the Painted Ladies, drink more coffee in North Beach, and spend a ton of time reading and yoga-ing in public parks.
May 12: Fly SFO>BOS
Arrive just in the nick of time to take a birthday shot, cuz I'll be turning 25 on the 13th.
**If you, dear reader, have suggestions of things to do in any of the aforementioned locations, please message/text/email/send a postcard to let me know! I do love getting recommendations.**
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